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Sunday, March 30, 2014

So Begins a new Venture

Several years ago, I attended a writer's conference in which the virtues of blogging were touted as the greatest thing since sliced bread.  Not to imply that sliced bread isn't the greatest thing ever, but that saying has been used to describe everything great since sliced bread was invented.  For me, as a writer, there was always some new "hip" thing, be it twitter or blogs or deviantart or conferences to keep up with, and it was a little overwhelming.  Nevertheless, I undertook a venture of writing a blog titled All Aboard the Phantom Express  which was the title of a book I'd written.  My goal was simple, as most blogs go, to market, grow myself as a writer and show my skills.

As it was, I made a good show of it, or at least I think so, keeping up with the blog on and off for about a year.  At first, my writings were musings of any sort.  I did write about the book, but I also would journal thoughts and ideas that came to me, little observations and the like.   It was more a journal than a blog, and I enjoyed it.  Then I attended another conference in which it was implied one should focus on their book, and only on their book.  I took this to heart, but I found that there was only so much I could direct back to my writing.  The blog became stale for me and I stopped writing all together.  My last post was an attempt to go back to the origins, writing about how much I enjoyed sharing my book with children.  By then I'd gotten busy and I stopped writing on the thing altogether.  Now almost a year or two later, I cannot recall the password to that blog..

So here I am again, starting a new venture and a new blog, and this time I intend to stick to my principles and my own desires.  I intend to use this blog as a creative space.  I will write about writing, about my books, my thoughts, my dreams and aspirations.  I will review books I read, movies or tv shows I watch, gaze retrospectively at pictures from my travels and hopefully not bore anyone to death with minute details of distant places.  I intend to do what I do best, to write, to philosophize and to dream.  I am a dreamer at heart, and I've always aspired to a creative nature.

I feel that blogging is much like twitter at times, shouting into the darkness, so I appreciate feedback and ideas to get myself out there.  I have heard that one links back to their blog on other blogs and posts of a similar nature so I will try to do that.  Here is to success and aspirations of what lies in the unknown.