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Monday, May 18, 2015

France, Part 17 - Mont St.Michel

To travel to France, is to travel to the center of one of the greatest pushes against the forces of evil in human history.  When my parents came there years before, they’d relegated themselves just to Paris, but when we planned our next trip, I insisted on Normandy.  
We were arriving on the cusp of the 70th anniversary, but this only made things all the more important for me.  I wanted to see the beaches, to walk the cemeteries, to visit the museums.   I needed to stand where giants stood, and where darkness fled before the dawn.

Our journey into Normandy began with a two to three hour drive to Mount Saint Michel, the last lonely outpost of the fairytale part of our journey.  Our first glimpse from the car was quite a sight, a single jut of rock out on the sea with towering spires and town clustered against the jagged cliffs.   From afar, Mont Saint Michel seems like something out of Lord of the Rings, like Gondor.

It sits there on this piece of stone, with a castle at the top, and walls and buildings clustered around.  It is the proverbial fairytale city when you see it.  We stopped and got out, taking in the mount and the seascape that separated us from it.  Contrary to popular belief, it is not an island most of the time, but separated from the land by a “shallow” finger of sand and gravel road.  When the tide is out, one can feasibly walk there – we took a free but very crowded bus from the visitor center.

I could have skipped the town of Mont Saint Michele altogether.  If the bus was packed, the area of the “castle town” was even more so.  I call it a castle town because it basically is.  The monastery at the top as a great fortress of spires and stone overlooking narrow winding streets of even more narrow wooden houses, shops and stores.  The area is meant to invoke that medieval feel, with a gate and a drawbridge, but that feeling immediately vanishes from the visitor as they stand beneath the stone archways.

The way to the top is lined on both sides by what I could best describe as a very unappealing assortment of stores selling curios, fake swords, crystal spheres, plastic dragons and other very cheap looking curios or souvenirs.  What museums they have are wax ones “dungeons” and the like, and even the stores selling food are unappealing – we passed one with an oozing icee maker and churros.  On the whole, it had all the appeal of Disneyland without the charm, and all the crowds of that magic kingdom packed into one tenth of the space. 

We walked a gauntlet of tourists who were too busy inspecting all the knick-knacks.  It’s unfortunate that the town has chosen to do this, but I suppose it’s of necessity.  I would have preferred to see an actual working town, not a tourist trap – which is what the island has become.  The real jewel is the monastery at the top.  It rises from the rock, which juts from the sea, with its tallest spire topped by a bronze statue of Michael the archangel.  At his feet is a dragon, and Michael brandishes sword and shield to drive it back.

The museum was packed, and we had to weave our way amid the crowds and tour groups.  At one point we lost mom as one group of Korean folks cut in behind me and I had to wait agonizingly on the other end worried that she’d not find us.  It is very easy to get turned around up there, but the views were spectacular.   We could see from the land in the east to the Normandy coast in the north.   Inside there were big cavernous rooms, and once you saw one you pretty much saw all of them.   One particular highlight was a room with fireplaces large enough to stand in – which everyone did including us. 

Main Church


One of the large halls

Giant Fireplace

Smaller hall

Michael the Archangel

On the whole we were left disappointed as we jostled and elbowed our way back through the gauntlet to the car.  I turned to my father and said, “I think next time I’ll just enjoy the view from here.”   Both he and mom agreed.  The view from afar was far more impressive than the reality.   Thankfully it served as a turning point to something far more spectacular and sobering – the Normandy coast itself.